Sunday, 17 September 2023

Meteor activity for July / August 2023

Below is a carpet plot produced in Microsoft Excel that shows the hourly meteor counts recorded during July / August 2023 from the Raspberry Pi 3-based receiver at Brough Astronomy's Observatory (BLAS).  These were post-processed on my development system at home.  This shows the "overdense" meteor reflections received from the GRAVES radar in France and probably correspond with those that were probably visible with the naked eye, albeit over the Mediterranean! 

During July and August there is a procession of meteor showers, as predicted by the tables published in "The Radio Sky" Lashley.

I'm looking at setting up a second receiver and computer to decode amateur radio meteor scatter activity using MSK-144 for the next meteor shower and have installed WSJT-X on my desktop Raspberry Pi that I'm using to develop my radio telescope.

Thursday, 15 June 2023

New APRS Digipeater and Gateway - on 144.9375 MHz

I now have the Notice of Variation to run an APRS Gateway MB3UNN from my home QTH in North Newbald, East Yorkshire.  This gateway will provide the connectivity for the proposed digipeater that will be co-sited with the GB3NY UHF repeater at High Hunsley - The reason for the oddball frequency is due to both my QTH and the proposed digipeater being close to the restriction of 50 km from TA 012869, Irton in Scarborough, specified in Schedule 2 of the Amateur Radio Licence.

It's currently running receive-only for test purposes, using a Raspberry Pi 3B with an RTL-SDR, piping the RTL_FM audio into Direwolf, it will be upgraded to full operation using a single band 2m radio following further test and evaluation.