Friday, 22 May 2015

Arduino WSPR Beacon

The idea of building a stand-alone WSPR beacon came about after I built the Silicon Labs si570 based USB-Controlled Synthesizer several years ago and struggled to find a real use for it and was hoping this might be supported in the WSPR software.

Last year I ordered an AD9850 module from eBay and following the example from the web of "Testing an eBay AD9850 DDS Module with Arduino (N8RO)" was able to make it work.  Shorly afterwards I built the Kanga / M0XPD DDS shield and found George M0GEO had already written a WSPR beacon.

Over the last few evenings whilst working away I have combined the two and managed to get it to transmit a message to my FT-817 and decode it using my PC.