Saturday, 7 September 2013

Over the air

Over the weekend of September 27th - 28th an event will be taking place which could influence the future of radio communications in the UK.  Whilst everyone is away enjoying the sights and sounds of the National Hamfest in Newark, this event is aimed at the people who will be developing the next mobile phone platforms, software and web services – it ironically takes place less than a stone’s throw away from the RSGB’s National Radio Centre at Bletchley Park.

One wonders if the RSGB, who in their own words are “Working for the future of Amateur Radio”, have completely missed a golden opportunity to promote our hobby to the next generation of technical elite, and instead are concentrating on targeting their efforts towards those who have the “time and resources to enjoy the hobby” – in other words retirees.

Unfortunately by its very nature, this market sector is not a growth area, and instead of concentrating their efforts towards the next generation of innovators, it is pandering to the whims of the major dealers and the advertising revenue they generate?