Wednesday, 27 February 2013

New D-Star Callsign Routing System

The D-Star CCS (Call Connection Service) is a newly added feature of the G4KLX ircDDB Gateway Software that allows you to call any station, anywhere in the world, by transmitting a four digit code using your D-Star radio’s DTMF keypad...

This new method of callsign routing uses the ircDDB database to locate the last repeater or gateway that the station last transmitted on.  It then connects all parties together, so that everyone can hear both sides of the conversation and without interrupting any QSOs that are already in progress - furthermore, it even works if the repeater is already connected to a reflector.  The system allows the station receiving the call to just reply, without having to use the Icom R > CS key to program the return path.

The CCS system was developed by DG1HT, the developer of the DCS reflector system and a member of the DV-RPTR team.  For more information and registration, see This will be added to GB7HU when we are able to visit the site update the ircDDB Gateway software.

73 de Andy

Friday, 22 February 2013

D-Star Presentation and Blog

When I first created this blog several years ago, I planned to use it as an online logbook of the social aspects of my amateur radio activities: Mainly times spent outside "The Shack" with friends enjoying the hobby, some of the training activities I have been involved with, and a place where people can download the various presentations that I have given - in an attempt to share my own learning with others and to try to demystify some of the more technical aspects of the hobby.

As an attempt to rekindle this blog, here is a link to my presentation on D-Star given to the Hornsea Amateur Radio Club on 30th January 2013 in PDF format -

73 de Andy