Sunday, 6 July 2008

VHF National Field Day

G0OLE/P at Millington Heights (IO93pw)

Despite the photographs showing a clear blue sky, this was probably the wettest VHF NFD in living memory...

On Saturday 5th July, a severe depression developed over the UK, which brought in torrential rain during the antenna erection and continued to swirl around for most of the weekend.  Several times during the day "static rain" on 2m and 6m signalled the build up of Anvil clouds overhead! with a respite on Saturday evening allowing openings over the warm North Sea to PA, ON and DL.

Also note the first outing of Steve's 23cms dish - a project several years in the making!

On Sunday 6th, the rain curtain brought in an auroral-sounding rain scatter path GM on 2m, which served as a barrier to those unfortunate QRO stations further south.  The day ending in the usual stalemate when everyone had worked everyone else - except for the station wishing "To give a few points away to the backpackers" by talking over the weak PI station that he couldn't hear on his vertical at home!

73 de Andy

Saturday, 19 April 2008

11x4x4 = 100% Success

Following three very enjoyable weekends, eleven members of the Humber and Yorks 4x4 Response took their RCF Foundation License...

Congratulations to the following new licensees: Simon M3XNS, Daz M3YXD, Darren M3ZTU, Nathan M3XNY, Joseph M3XLZ, Gordon M3ZTO, Dave M3XMQ, Neil M3ZNH, Mark M3XYM, Rob M3XOW and Mark.

Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Softrock Presentation

Download my presentation showing how to build the "Softrock-40" Software Defined Receiver...

This presentation will be updated to include a better explanation of how the "Software Defined" part actually works, and how to set up the computer to decode data modes recovered from the demodulated audio.

73 de Andy